In today’s spotlight:
Bertrik Kruizenga – Microsoft consultant with a unique name and a passion for users

Graphing Calculator
As early as high school, Bertrik discovered that he wanted to do something with computers in the future. He realized that he could use his graphing calculator not only for math but also to develop his own games. He created a soccer league game with it and was hooked. Hooked on the process of starting with an idea and then making it work. That’s what he found—and still finds—exciting! Unlike his classmates, by the way, who didn’t care about it at all.
But he also wanted to work with people and not just as a programmer or IT professional. So, he chose to study business informatics instead of higher or technical informatics. This program didn’t just focus on IT but also on business processes. That made the difference.
User Adoption
With his diploma in hand, he started working for his previous employer, where he eventually began working with SharePoint. Since joining QS Solutions, his focus has shifted to cloud productivity and MS Teams. He has a true passion for users, so this fits him perfectly. For Bertrik, it’s all about user adoption: “If users can’t handle SharePoint or Teams, they’ll store their documents elsewhere, and then the organization loses control. So, you need to ensure that users can work with what you’ve delivered.”
“If users can’t handle SharePoint or Teams, they’ll store their documents elsewhere. Then the organization loses control.”
But that’s not the only thing. Through workshops, Bertrik involves the business from the very beginning of the project in the change that’s coming. This gets the organization moving and gains the buy-in needed for the project’s success. “Users need to feel responsible for the change that’s coming and see the benefit of it. That’s the first step.”
In addition, it’s about user-friendly design and training. Training that enables people to work with a new tool and understand how to use it. Only then will users actually want to start using it!
Cycling Fan
Bertrik is married and the father of two boys, aged eight and two. In his free time, one of his great interests is sports—watching sports, that is. He’s a big cycling fan, for example, and he enjoys participating in an online game during the cycling season where you create and manage a fictional team with real riders.
He really enjoys his work, but it’s certainly not his hobby. He likes to keep a clear separation between work and private life. That doesn’t mean he doesn’t like to use his knowledge and expertise to help people around him with their computers or phones. While others see it as a daunting task, he sees it as a fun challenge!
Bertrik is careful with his digital footprint. He has to be, because it turns out he has a unique name. There’s no other Bertrik Kruizenga in the world. This means that anything you find online under that name is definitely about him. “It’s a bit tricky,” he says, “but it is what it is!”
Client Relationships
Bertrik works about fifty-fifty from home and at the client’s location. For him, client satisfaction is the number one priority. He gets energy from guiding and advising the client to make work processes more efficient and better. And that sometimes means going against what a client wants. Because he knows what works—and especially what doesn’t.
“Client satisfaction is everything”
He feels a sense of accomplishment when he exceeds the client’s expectations with what he has delivered technically. “For me, it’s about building a relationship. It’s great when a client keeps coming back to you, even after long intervals. Then you know you’ve done a good job!”
Although Bertrik holds the position of Microsoft consultant at QS Solutions, he consciously emphasizes consulting, user adoption, and training on his LinkedIn profile. In his view, this is where the added value for the organization lies, because QS Solutions—unlike many other IT companies—can offer a complete package of consulting, implementation, technical training, and user adoption.
Bertrik on QS Solutions
“I love the variety in my work. Just giving training wouldn’t suit me. The added value for me also lies in the fact that at QS Solutions, we provide training on what we’ve delivered ourselves, on our own setup. That’s much more valuable than when an external party comes in to give a standard Teams training.
In addition, our products are simply good. From experience, I know that many companies have the theory about certain methodologies or software in-house, but the difference with QS Solutions is that we actually put it into practice and have everything ready to get started right away.
I’m genuinely proud that Microsoft recommends our Cybersecurity Assessment Tool (CSAT) and PortalTalk. It’s really cool that they refer to QS Solutions’ products on their website!
“QS Solutions’ products are simply good”
What’s also great is that you can have a say in what we do. If you think something could be done better or differently, you can just say so, even to management. There’s a no-nonsense culture here, and we know what to expect from each other. I’m really in the right place here!”
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