SharePoint is an excellent platform for an intranet or as a portal for customers or partners. It’s no surprise that many organizations choose to share their internal news on SharePoint, as it often serves as the starting point of the day for many employees.
Why Intranet is Ideal for Sharing News
An organization’s success heavily relies on the quality of internal communication. Sharing important updates such as annual reports, quarterly figures, product changes, new customers, or major projects is crucial. Equally important is the ability to share personal news, such as a colleague’s illness, an employee’s 25-year work anniversary, or the birth of a child. These are significant matters for your employees but may not need to be made public. This excludes social media or a public website as viable options.
The “@everyone” email is often fleeting; once opened, it quickly gets buried in the inbox. However, when employees open the intranet to access a client or project file, they will repeatedly encounter the news. Older news items are also easy to retrieve. The NewsApp for SharePoint makes this simple and efficient.
NewsApp for SharePoint: Works Like Word
Elke geautoriseerde medewerker kan met een eenvoudig formulier een nieuwsitem aanmaken en publiceren. Een geüploade foto wordt automatisch geschaald. Door rubrieken te kiezen, zien alleen de medewerkers het bericht voor wie het ook relevant is. Zoals een bepaalde afdeling of vestiging, bijvoorbeeld bij nieuwe parkeerregels in de buurt. Per bericht geef je een publicatiedatum en een eventuele einddatum. Je kunt video’s en meerdere foto’s plaatsen, andere lettertypes en kleuren opgeven en ook werken met HTML is mogelijk. De opmaakmogelijkheden zijn gelijk aan die van Microsoft Word. Zodat iedereen die met Word kan werken, ook een nieuwsitem kan aanmaken.
In SharePoint wordt het nieuws opgemaakt in drie weergaven: Nieuws Tiles, Ticker Tape en als Response nieuwsoverzicht. Medewerkers kunnen met de mobiele NewsApp de nieuwsberichten ook onderweg op telefoons en tablets lezen.
Any authorized employee can create and publish a news item using a simple form. Uploaded photos are automatically resized. By choosing specific categories, only relevant employees, such as those in a particular department or location, will see the news—for example, new parking rules in the area. Each news item can be assigned a publication date and an optional end date. You can add videos, multiple photos, different fonts, and colors, and even work with HTML. The formatting options are similar to those in Microsoft Word, making it easy for anyone familiar with Word to create a news item.
In SharePoint, the news is displayed in three formats: News Tiles, Ticker Tape, and as a Response news overview. Employees can also read news on the go using the mobile NewsApp on their phones and tablets.

Practical and Easy to Use
The NewsApp for SharePoint has been around for over ten years. It was developed in response to the high demand from SharePoint users for a practical news tool. Microsoft never provided a solution for this, so QS solutions saw an opportunity to serve its customers practically. The ongoing development of the app is driven by customer feedback. Features like choosing an internal target audience and automatically resizing images came directly from customer suggestions.
Interested in seeing how the NewsApp for SharePoint works? Check out this demo where I, Tom Brand, Team Leader Office 365, showcase all the features and demonstrate how easy the app is to use.