QS solutions achieves ISO 27001 certification

We are proud to announce that QS solutions has recently achieved ISO 27001 certification! This means that we meet all the information security requirements for this globally recognized standard. This is extremely important for securing our company data and that of our customers..

The Use of CSAT and PortalTalk

The starting point for the ISO process was favorable. At QS Solutions, we have been using our Cyber Security Assessment Tool (CSAT) for some time now to periodically scan our internal IT environment, just as we do for many of our clients. The results of these scans are used to develop and execute an action plan to continuously improve information security.

Additionally, we have been working with PortalTalk, another in-house developed product, which allows us—and many of our clients—to maintain optimal control over governance within Teams and SharePoint.



ISO Process

During the ISO process, we were guided and advised by ISOSecure, a highly skilled organization with deep knowledge of and years of experience in information systems and the successful implementation of the ISO 27001 standard.

The external audit, conducted by certification body KIWA, was passed with flying colors: no deviations or shortcomings were found. We are, of course, incredibly proud of this! But it’s also good news for you as a QS Solutions client, as it officially demonstrates that we have our information security control measures well in order.


Are you curious about what QS Solutions can do for your organization in terms of information security? Let us know! We’d be happy to discuss this further with you.