Webinar Relationship Management

Streamline Intake Management Without the Excel Jungle

In the absence of a specialized system for entry management, healthcare intermediaries are forced to keep track of much in Excel.

This approach has several drawbacks:

  • (Potential) clients and their network
  • Care requests
  • Waiting lists
  • Available spots
  • Target dates

And this list is far from complete. The well-intentioned system built with Excel has turned into an impenetrable jungle of spreadsheets. Keeping track of everything now takes up almost as much time and energy as it produces.

Webinar: “Streamline Intake Management Without the Excel Jungle”

In 45 minutes, Yasien Sharif (Microsoft) and Jochem Dijs (QS solutions) will show you a better way: efficient, streamlined, and clear. Qare365, a specialized system for intake management, provides care coordinators with a central location where they can store, retrieve, and use client information to admit clients into care. With Qare365:

  • You avoid a jungle of Excel spreadsheets,
  • You can match clients and their care needs with available rooms more quickly,
  • You have more time and attention for your clients.

Fill out the form below and watch the webinar for free!